Tuesday, May 27, 2008

First Doctor's Appointment

It has been a very busy week. I have not been able to check my email as much as I would like- so I apologize to everybody who I have not gotten back to. I was beyond exhausted last week and both Garrett and Caelan had end of the year activities. I think that we are settling in finally, and I no longer fall asleep at 7:30pm.

Lia is still doing very well. She sleeps every night for 12-13 hours straight. The only exception was on Thursday night because she came down with another cold/cough and had a fever. This is so different from the older two. Garrett used to wake up 10+ times a night (no exaggeration) until he was close to two, and then it was more like 3-4 times. He still wakes up 3-4 times a week in the middle of the night... When we first came home, she was a little resistant to being put in her crib, but after a couple of days, she actually points to the crib when she is sleepy. At nap time, I lay in Caelan's bed while she is falling asleep and she sits in her crib, straightens out her blankets, looks around the bedroom and smiles. She is so full of happiness. I guess I expected that she would be angrier at us.

She had her first doctor's appointment today and I am bringing her in to the lab tomorrow morning for her many, many blood tests. She has a very large bump on the back of her head that I was a bit concerned about. The doctors at the clinic in Guangzhou called it a cyst, but my pediatrician said it is just a gland. A little larger than usual, but she is not concerned at all. She also didn't seem to be very concerned about her size. She is not on the American growth chart, but after three weeks with us, she is now at nearly the 10th% on the Chinese girls growth chart at a whopping 19 lbs, 8 ounces! She is a much pickier eater than she was in China. She loves bananas and yogurt, and the veggie soup I made tonight was a hit. I am going to try to stop offering food to her every time she seems nervous or upset, as I feel like she is feeling quite comfortable with us now and I am worried that I am going to create some bad habits.

On another note we have had three girls added to our family in the past three weeks. My brother Partick and his wife's baby girl born on May 15th- they ended up naming her Grace Bridgette. My cousin Molly had her baby girl yesterday- Caitlin Mulligan. And Lia. I am so excited to meet all of the new babies.

Here are some pictures, most that I took yesterday. Lia LOVES to be outside, which is so funny because last week she was terrified of the grass, now she is all over the place.


Carrie said...

Thanks for the update-

Heather said...

Oh she is so beautiful! I love the new pictures! I am glad the doctor's appointment is over! That must be a relief.

Kristin said...

Lia is beautiful!! It is great to see an update from all of you--

Ash said...

Glad to see you post, the pictures are wonderful. Thank you for the update. Take care and congrats to your families for all the new girls in the family.

Display said...

Many congratulations to your family! What a blessing you have in Lia.