Sunday, December 28, 2008


We had a wonderful Holiday. WE drove to Detroit to be with my side of the family on Christmas Day and then Bob's family on the 26th.

Here the kids are in their Christmas P.J.'s setting out cookies for Santa.

Garrett's first glance at his gifts.

Caelan with her gifts and new guitar.
The Jansen family band. Lia quickly wanted to try on her new P.J.'s.

Lia got the Rose Petal COttage, and quickly added a much needed item- her potty!

My parent's five grandkids in their matching pajamas.
My Grandpa with his youngest grandchildren/great-grandchildren.
At Bob's parent's house, opening gifts

The kids with their Great Grandma Jansen

Cousins at the Jansen Christmas party

Luke and Garrett with Grandpa Jansen

More presants

Monday, December 15, 2008

Visit With Santa

We went to the "Santa House" on Saturday night. Neither Caelan nor Garrett have ever been even the slightest bit afraid of Santa, but I wasn't sure what Lia would think. It is a pretty overwhelming place, toys and people everywhere, not to mention Santa. Everybody was excited and when the time came Lia went walking right up to him, and then quickly turned back around to me, saying no. I asked her if she wanted to sit in Santa's lap and she said no, but then pointed to Mrs. Clause. I asked if she wanted to sit with Mrs. Clause and she said yes, so there she sat. I don't think that she said anything to her. I am pretty sure that since Lia is so tiny, people assume that she is much younger than she is and can't talk, but she did have something prepared to say if she was asked what she wanted for Christmas. She would have said "toys." Caelan asked for "surprises." Garrett would like a remote control car and some Sketchers.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Getting Festive!

Well, we got our tree on Sunday. Every year we cut down our own tree and as much as I LOVE this tradition, I don't always participate. But this year I did help pick out the tree. We had a fun afternoon, first going out to lunch and then finding the tree and going on a hay ride. It was terribly cold, but sunny, so not too bad. Then Bob took the kids down to the water, we live on a lake, for some pictures. He did take a good one for our Christmas card this year. We took 120 pictures on Sunday and ended up with only three that had all three kids looking decent:)

We have gotten around 8 inches of snow in the last couple of days so Caelan is now on snow day #2. It was fun yesterday, though today has been a little more of a challenge and I have heard a lot more arguing... I am sure there will be school tomorrow.

I would like to know who thought it was a good idea to give Garrett a SAW?!?

The rest of these pictures were taken on the bay, behind our house. It is a bit of a hike out to the water, but it is there:)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pictures from the last couple of weeks

This picture is from my "girls" weekend. On the left are Jill's two little ones, Lilly and Robert. Then there's Garrett, followed by Karin's boys, Carson and Gavin. Then, Caelan and Lia.
An early morning picture (sorry everyone:). Me, Kate, Jill and Karin

Lia on Thanksgiving.

Garrett jumping on Bob.

Grandpa Jansen taking Garrett for a ride.

The cousins on Thanksgiving

Garrett's "almost" sleepover with Amelia

Monday, December 1, 2008

What a Weekend

Well, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Bob's family. Garrett was a bit on the grumpy side, but Caelan enjoyed her cousins and Lia charmed everybody. I think that she has her Grandpa wrapped around her finger:)

On Friday, I went shopping. I have never done this. I was in line at Toys r Us at 4:30am and completed 99% of my Christmas shopping by 2pm.

Bob and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary on the 25th of November. It was the Saturday after Thanksgiving in 2000 that we got married. As a gift, I got tickets for us to go see Willie Nelson, one of Bob's favorite musicians. I knew that I would be stressed about leaving the kids, as it isn't ever done, so I worked it our perfectly. The babysitter would watch Lia and Caelan at home and Garrett would go have a sleepover at Amelia's house (his friend who is featured in many pictures on this blog). It was an hour drive to the concert, but we managed to eat dinner, do a little gambling, and then Billy Bob Thornton opened. We were about 45 minutes into Willie Nelson when a call came in on my cell phone (I am not sure how, as we had no reception). It was Becky saying that Garrett had been vomiting for the last hour. SO half way through "Crazy" we headed home. Poor Amelia, her first sleepover ended with Garrett puking in her bed... Oh, well. Hopefully I will get Bob to see Willie Nelson at some point!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Caelan!!!

Well, our girl turns SEVEN today!! Amazing! We had a party for her at the local children's museum on Saturday.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Exciting News

Lia is using the potty!!! She hasn't had a single accident today and we even ventured out to Chuck E. Cheese! YAHOO!!!!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Third Check-Up

Well our teeny-tiny girl is not so tiny anymore. She is up to 24.5 pounds (which is the 25% on the American growth chart) and 32.5 inches. She is five pounds heavier than she was in May and 3 inches taller! I knew she had grown, but I am pretty surprised at how much!

She has had a fairly constant cough and she now has an inhaler to see if that will help. It only seems to bother her if she is running around or being particularly active.

This week has been hard, as she came down with Garrett's cold and has been unusually crabby. I have gotten several looks from people, as I have had to carry her kicking and screaming in several public places. I know it is because she isn't feeling well- and she is two- but I am not used to her having such temper flare-ups. She seemed happier today.

We spent last weekend with my girlfriends. I will post some pictures soon. It was great- we went to elementary school and high school together. We brought the kids too.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Six Months as a Family of Five!

Tommorrow will be six months that we have had Lia! Hasn't she changed?!?

Taken in August, 2006 (I think).

August/September 2007 at the SWI (One of the referral photos)

April, 2008 at the SWI

With us in China, early May, 2008

Late May at home






Latest picture (taken on Halloween)