Thursday, October 30, 2008

Helping the Kreuer Family

The Kreuer Family Church has established the MJ Kreuer Memorial Fund to help the Kreuer Family. I can't even imagine what the family is going through- this is every family's worst nightmare. From what I understand, the Kreuer's are responsible for the life flight to another hospital, surgery and three days in the hospital, all out of their insurance network, as well as funeral expenses. If anybody else can make a donation, I know they would appreciate it.

Here is MJ's obituary.

If you do send a check, the church said to please indicate on the
check that it is for the MJ Kreuer Memorial Fund.

The address and phone number for the church is:
Central Baptist Church
1714 SE 36th Avenue
Ocala, Florida 34471
phone: 352 694-2212

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Terrible Tragedy

I am in shock writing this, but my friend, Carrie's sweet daughter, MJ, who I wrote about two posts ago passed away. While I have never met Carrie in person, she comments on every blog post of mine, and I consider her a good friend. Another of Carrie's friends posted about her here.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Hair is Gone

Well, I cut off 8+ inches of hair and my package is in the mail to Pink Heart Funds, an organization that makes wigs from donated hair. I am sure I will post a picture soon:)

Here are some October ones in the meantime.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I Have Been Tagged

I have been tagged by my friend, Carrie. I am a regular reader on her password protected family blog, but here is her "adopting again" blog that is not password protected:) Carrie and I were both waiting for referrals with CCAI, she adopted 6 year old MJ a few months before we brought Lia home.

OK, seven random or weird facts that you might not know...

1. I get started on a lot of projects, just rarely finish anything: scrapbooking (I promise to give it another try Amy and Becky), quilting, baby shoes, soap making, candle making...

2. My house is usually a disaster. I love staying home with the kids, love to cook, love to play... but I have not yet mastered keeping a tidy house.

3. Bob has slapped me twice. Both stories are VERY funny:) The first time was when we were living in Alaska. It was Thanksgiving and we were coming home from a friend's. I was carrying a very heavy stoneware Pampered Chef pan with half a cake in it. It was icy, and just as I said to Bob, "Be careful, the driveway is slippery, " I flew backwards, cake pan flying up in the air and down on my head. I just laid there, stunned, when Bob came flying around the car, yelling. "Meghan, Meghan are you OK?" As I said, I was a bit stunned, and didn't respond right away, so he slapped me across the face to make sure I was conscious... I am laughing just thinking about it. The second time was when I was very, very pregnant with Garrett. I was laying in bed, sweating like a pig, wondering what possessed us to have a July baby. Bob was sleeping, when he sat up in bed (sound asleep) started yelling, "What is that?" while looking at my enormous belly, and then slapped my belly. He has no memory of it. As surprised as I was at the time, I even laughed about it then:)

4. I have been thinking of applying to law school, or minimally taking the LSAT to see if it is even a possibility. I would love to work with families, particularly on adoption related cases. I am pretty sure I don't want to return to teaching.

5. I would love to adopt another child, but at this point finances, home space (lack of space), and a reluctant husband are stopping me:)

6. I would love for us to live outside of the US at some point. I am not sure where, but somewhere warm. Living in Michigan and Alaska has me dreaming of warm climates.

7. The music that I most like to listen to (in no particular order): Dave Matthews Band, U2, Michael Jackson, Prince, and Stevie Wonder. I love watching The Office, Grey's Anatomy, House, Brothers and Sisters, Desperate Housewives and Private Practice.

And now I am going to tag the following friends (sorry!)
1. Amy C.
2. Karen S.
3. Nicole G.
4. Kim O. (Because she isn't busy enough....)
5. Amy
6. Leslie
7. Tracy

Monday, October 13, 2008

"Ba-Ba" Revisited

As you can see, we haven't gotten anywhere with the bottle in the last few weeks. She walked her "ba-ba" around the backyard for quite a while yesterday. Note the baby laying face-down in the grass:)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

And the Winning Continues!

This time, my dad is the lucky one. He entered a raffle, buying only one ticket for $20, and was just informed on Friday night that he is the proud new owner of a 2009 Harley Davidson. My dad recently bought a motorcycle and rides around down at his cottage, but now he will have two of them! I know he has visions of him and my mother riding around together, but anyone who knows my mom knows that that won't happen. Here's a picture of the model that he won. Exciting!

Monday, October 6, 2008

I won!

This is pretty funny. On the way to school on Friday the radio station that we were listening to was having a "contest" to win a gift certificate to a local restaurant. The question was, "What was Jack Wagner's hit song that went to #2 on the charts?" If you knew me back in the mid-80's, you probably remember my infatuation with Jack Wagner and General Hospital... Well, I called in, answered "All I Need" and won the contest. The kids were pretty excited that they heard me on the radio. Although, Caelan and Garrett stretched my prize a bit, by the time they got to school I won a certificate to a restaurant and "A lot of money."

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Family Day Tomorrow

For our friends, The O'Meara's. Bob and Kim worked together for a few years while we lived on the west side of the state. They are picking up their sweet daughter on Monday! I can't wait:)

Follow their trip here.