Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Caelan!!!

Well, our girl turns SEVEN today!! Amazing! We had a party for her at the local children's museum on Saturday.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Exciting News

Lia is using the potty!!! She hasn't had a single accident today and we even ventured out to Chuck E. Cheese! YAHOO!!!!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Third Check-Up

Well our teeny-tiny girl is not so tiny anymore. She is up to 24.5 pounds (which is the 25% on the American growth chart) and 32.5 inches. She is five pounds heavier than she was in May and 3 inches taller! I knew she had grown, but I am pretty surprised at how much!

She has had a fairly constant cough and she now has an inhaler to see if that will help. It only seems to bother her if she is running around or being particularly active.

This week has been hard, as she came down with Garrett's cold and has been unusually crabby. I have gotten several looks from people, as I have had to carry her kicking and screaming in several public places. I know it is because she isn't feeling well- and she is two- but I am not used to her having such temper flare-ups. She seemed happier today.

We spent last weekend with my girlfriends. I will post some pictures soon. It was great- we went to elementary school and high school together. We brought the kids too.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Six Months as a Family of Five!

Tommorrow will be six months that we have had Lia! Hasn't she changed?!?

Taken in August, 2006 (I think).

August/September 2007 at the SWI (One of the referral photos)

April, 2008 at the SWI

With us in China, early May, 2008

Late May at home






Latest picture (taken on Halloween)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Caelan's Vote

Even after the numerous discussions about this election, we are pretty sure that at today's mock election at school, Caelan did not side with us...

Saturday, November 1, 2008


We had a very fun night. The weather was perfect- in the 60's- and the kids were troopers. Garrett has never been very enthusiastic about dressing up and trick-or-treating. When he was two, he made it to one house (because we pretty much made him) and only a block or two last year. This year he sat and ate candy in the wagon the last block, but did great for most of the night. I was anxious to see what Lia's reaction would be, but she was so excited. She loved wearing her costume and was thrilled every time she got another piece of candy.