Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Getting Festive!

Well, we got our tree on Sunday. Every year we cut down our own tree and as much as I LOVE this tradition, I don't always participate. But this year I did help pick out the tree. We had a fun afternoon, first going out to lunch and then finding the tree and going on a hay ride. It was terribly cold, but sunny, so not too bad. Then Bob took the kids down to the water, we live on a lake, for some pictures. He did take a good one for our Christmas card this year. We took 120 pictures on Sunday and ended up with only three that had all three kids looking decent:)

We have gotten around 8 inches of snow in the last couple of days so Caelan is now on snow day #2. It was fun yesterday, though today has been a little more of a challenge and I have heard a lot more arguing... I am sure there will be school tomorrow.

I would like to know who thought it was a good idea to give Garrett a SAW?!?

The rest of these pictures were taken on the bay, behind our house. It is a bit of a hike out to the water, but it is there:)


Carrie said...

thanks for sharing-Blessing to you!

Kristin said...

Snow, wow. We only have rain.

But I snow can be a mixed blessing. Beautiful surroundings but loud-stay-at-home-kids!!