Thursday, May 8, 2008

May 8th

This morning we woke up and my parents, Caelan, Lia and I went to the Guangzhou Department store. It was interesting to see, though not much different than a US department store, though it had nine floors complete with a grocery store. We picked up a few toys for Lia, she seems to like hard rattle type toys best, though she had a lot of fun with her little Groovy Girl doll this evening.

We played at the playground for a while while Lia took a nap. She came over with Bob and went down the slide a few times on Caelan's lap. She looked very worried when she started going down, but once she made it to the bottom, she laughed.

We also finally went to an authentic Chinese restaurant. We have been to a few places on Shamain Island, but many of them also serve Western food. It was quite an experience, as we weren't really sure what we were eating:) It was pretty good, though. Lia eats everything, so I ordered her some type of egg dish and it had something questionable in the middle. Some type of fish? I really have no idea, but it was pretty tasty and she really liked it.

When we got back, Lia walked down the hallway back and forth, walking by herself. She is pretty wobbly, but we weren't even sure if she could get up on her own, but she definately can. She LOVES the squeaky shoes.

Here she is, taking a bath in the sink. She loves to look at herself in the mirror, so this is working out much better than the big bathtub.

Playing with the new toys.

Playing a game with Caelan.

Picking out dinner- our first true authentic Chinese meal the entire trip:)


Ash said...

Meghan, again your family is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. we also will stay our entire trip in GZ, with DH, self an 8year old and Our Hannah MeiRu will be 7. Thank you for sharing, it is just lovely. Have a wonderful time. I am truly Happy for you.
p.s. we are starting to need more cookies, so we also want you home. LOL

Carrie said...

love the food in the tanks