Sunday, May 18, 2008


We are home. Yeah!!!!!! After a long but surprisingly smooth flight we are back in Michigan. Both Garrett and Lia were wonderful on the flight. Lia didn't much care for the standing in lines at security and customs, but neither did Bob. Hee hee!

Lia is all over the place, not the quiet, calm baby that we saw that first week. She is busy checking everything out. She has slowed down in her eating. I think that she is realizing that the food will be there when she is hungry.

She slept horribly last night and so did Garrett, I am hoping that tonight will be a better night, because we are all exhausted.

We made it to Caelan's recital today.

Thanks to all of you for your comments during the trip and I have gotten quite a few emails that I will respond to when I feel that I can form a coherent thought. Goodnight!


Carrie said...

Amen God is good-take my advice stay home and try not to do to much the first month-you'll thank me later for it-I did my normal when we first got home it was not good for MJ she thought every white person was mom and dad! She was happy and glad to be out but we needed that bonding yjust us even at age 7!

Anonymous said...


I'm glad your flight went well. Boy, you have more stamina then I did when we got back from China. I felt like I was floating and wobbly for two weeks so I know I couldn't have sat through any event without sleeping.


Ash said...

Congratulations, and glad you are home safe. blessings, ash

Heather said...

YEAH!! I am glad you all survived the long journey home!

Amy Chomas said...

Welcome home!! I'm sure they are just suffering from jet lag! Hope you all sleep well soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys! Welcome home. I'm glad you're home safe and sound. Take care, love Shell