Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Out of school

Well, it has been a busy week. We took Lia in for her bloodwork last Wednesday and it was a nightmare. The tech was unable to draw any blood successfully. I left with a hysterical baby, and I wasn't feeling much better than she was. That, and I knew we would have to repeat the bloodwork as the tiny bit of blood that she was able to collect clotted. Her arm was badly bruised so I waited until yesterday to bring her back in, this time to the hospital, where the first two tech's were unable to draw even the tiniest bit of blood. Lia gets so nervous that she tenses up and her muscles (apparently) stop the flow of blood to her veins. Finally the third tech was able to draw the necessary blood. We got some of the results back already, and so far everything looks fine, but she is mildly anemic, which did not surprise me.

Otherwise, she is doing pretty good. We had a rough few days over the weekend and the beginning of the week. She was clinging to me and very upset if I had to put her down, like when I took a shower and put the dinner in the oven. She had quite a few tantrums and was hard to console, but the last two days have been wonderful. She has started to play more independently and even wanders in different rooms.

I brought my two girls down to see Patrick's new baby over the weekend. See the picture below:) Abby, my brother's oldest, is only 9 months older than Lia. Look at the size difference! Lia doesn't seem all that small to me until I compare her to other kids her age.

Bob and Garrett went to our little cabin to open it up for the season- we plan to settle there for the summer on the 22nd of June. The kids are now out of school. Bob has to work for the next 2 weeks and then he will have six weeks off.


Ladyblog said...
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Heather said...

Meghan-It was great to see an update! I am sorry your week was so rough! I know those doctor's appointments can be hard enough with a child that fully trusts you, much less with one who is initially bonding! Lia is such a beauty! I am glad the last couple days have been better. I hope with sister and brother home, it will help Lia not be so clingy to you alone. It is nice to take a shower every now and then.

Carrie said...

the baby is so cute! I am glad some of the test came back ok-all Mj blood work came back fine too!

JShannon said...

We had trouble getting blood from Malia too. Finally her Doctor insisted doing it at the hopital but demand an IV technician to do it. When an IV tech did it, they got it first time, everytime. Next time ask for one, you will be glad you did.

Anonymous said...

Hello J5! It sounds like you have been busy. The pictures are so cute. We are thinking about you and keeping you in our prayers. What a blessing Lia is. You sure have a beautiful family. We are looking forward to seeing you up north. We've only stayed at our cottage during Memorial weekend and won't be up this weekend due to graduations. It will be fun to get the kids together. Take care. Love, the S4!