Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lia's Evaluation

Wow! Five posts in one day. Well, this afternoon an "Early On" teacher came out to the house to evaluate Lia. I want to make sure that we are doing everything that we can to get Lia caught up to other children her age. As I expected, her fine motor skills are age appropriate. Also her cognitive skills are level appropriate. She is delayed in gross motor and language. She said that Lia is at 15-18 month level with gross motor and 12-15 month with language, though she seemed quite impressed with Lia's receptive language. She does qualify for weekly playgroups and monthly home visits. In August, she is going to be even further evaluated to see if she will qualify for additional services, but I got the feeling that the teacher believed that in another month she would likely have progressed past the point of needing these additional services. I was worried that Lia might not show the teacher all that she is able to do, but she was quite cooperative and I believe that the assessment was accurate.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

great news!it seems like alot of children from china(little ones )have motor skill issues. I think do to them not being able to run around alot-but I have seen wonderful things when these kids get home-