Friday, September 19, 2008

Formula and more

I got an email this week from CCAI about the possibility that children under age two, adopted during the first part of the year may have consumed some of the contaminated formula that has sickened so many children in China. I have been following the story, but given very little thought to the fact that it could have affected her. Lia was only drinking formula mixed with rice while in China and was actually still drinking Chinese formula through May, after we brought her home. I am not sure if she was fed the Sanlu brand, and in fact I can't even remember what brand we bought for her while there.

To be safe, we are going to have a urinalysis done. She doesn't seem sick, but there are a couple of concerns that I have had that are still not really fitting.

She is also being retreated with 3 medications for the H Pylori and we will check again for that in another week or so. I felt that her initial symptoms were still present and our ped. spoke with the gastroenterologist at U of M and he suggested retreating.

On another note, our annual Mackinac Island trip has been postponed. We have gone the weekend before my birthday for the last 3 years, that makes it this weekend- but the kids have soccer and Bob has to facilitate a United Way volunteer event at his school. Weather pending, we plan to go next weekend.

Yes, my 34th b-day is Wednesday and oddly enough (because I feel as good as I did at 25!!) I have had strange aches and pains this week. First, I woke up unable to move my head yesterday- like I slept funny and then this morning, I was having trouble with my knee... Ah.. I need to get back into shape:) I did great this summer and now I am falling back into bad habits.


Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon along with your sweet baby

Ash said...

I hope all is well with Lia. I know the feeling of letting the age bug make us slip out of shape... I must get back on track too! I find too much fun this summer lead to the bloat (LOL) so as fall draws near and we are more settled now I am back to the old ways of eat smart and move more, for me! not just chasing kiddos. LOL.
I hope Lia's health is not in jepardy over that formula scare it is horrible news for so many families in China. Keep safe, take care. ash

Kristin said...

I hope the testing shows everything is just fine with Lia. Surely the formula issues are current and not 6-12 months old.

Have a great birthday!!! Hate to tell you this, but by my mid-30's, I felt like I was falling apart. But I was not in shape (didn't exercise, etc). Sounds like you are so perhaps it's just a weird week!!! Now at almost 42, I'm wiped out daily, things hurt quite often, but I don't always feel my age. :-) That's what little ones are for!!

Amy Chomas said...

Happy Birthday to you! Hope you guys have a fun weekend!!!