Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First day Pictures

Caelan is now in the 2nd grade at the school where Bob is the principal. Garrett started his 2nd year as a preschooler- now he goes 3 mornings a week. The transition went smoothly and everybody was thrilled to be back at school. Well, maybe Bob could have handled another month off (hee hee!)

Here are some pictures. This first one needs some explanation- Lia wanted to get down and walk around (see her expression?) and Garrett has been VERY resistant to getting his picture taken. We have taken quite a few pictures this summer of Garrett's backside:)

Garrett and his best friend, Amelia with Lia on their first day.

And because she is so adorable, here are a few more pictures of Lia. Compare her latest sleeping arrangements with a few posts ago. She sure does love her stuffed animals!

This one was also taken today. Lia seems to have gotten into a fight with some ants? spiders? Who knows, but she has some bug bites that popped up after yesterday's backyard play.


Unknown said...

Those are some amazing eyes. I hope everyone has a great year!

Heather said...

Lia is such a sleeping beauty!!! She is so adorable! I can't believe your kids start school so late. Samuel's first day of preK was August 1. You have me nervous about taking care of 3! I bet with time we'll get good at it.

Carrie said...

She is a doll!

Ash said...

Blessing and thinking of you all. Take care, Ash