Thursday, November 8, 2007

New List

Our agency just received a new list of waiting children. I am so excited. I am starting to think that I am dreaming to think that Lia is on this list, but it certainly is possible. I waited all day yesterday to check, knowing that CCAI generally posts updates on Wednesday night, and I did make it until 5pm or so. I called Bob to tell him and his response was "Wow! We are on the list?" Well then I explained that there was a chance, but I wouldn't bet on it. I feel such a sense of relief just knowing that the list is here, I was getting pretty anxious just waiting.

Well, last night I finished training for my online tutoring job. I have my first official student tonight. I am not sure how ready I am, there was a lot of information, but I am looking forward to it. I think that I was the only trainee that did not have any computer issues. I can work between 10 and 29 hours, so I think I will try to get as many hours as I can. SO far it has been working our wonderfully. I worked six hours training this week, all of which were after Garrett went to bed. I don't do much in the evenings anyway, watch some TV, check my email, so it will be great to make some money.

Thursday mornings are great. Tuesday and Thursday mornings, Garrett is at school from 9 to 12. On Tuesday I help out in Caelan's classroom and then go to the grocery store before I pick up Garrett. Thursday morning I just come home:) It is my big cleaning day usually- but I got everything done yesterday so in a minute I am going to put the border on the 100 Wishes QUilt. I also had some leftover fabric that I am going to make a small baby quilt with. I am planning to mail it to Lia in a care package. In fact, I already have a care package started with a little photo album with pictures of us, some disposible cameras, a small stuffed bear and then I will put the blanket. Then also some goodies for whoever is taking care of her.

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