Monday, November 12, 2007

Chinese Proverb: "There is only one pretty child in the world... and every mother has it."

Those of you who know me and my children must know that I do indeed know that I have the two prettiest children in the world. Not only that, but they are the smartest, funniest, and most entertaining. Garrett has been very busy the last few days, building an elaborate "pipe system" throughout our home. The pipes have been constructed using various materials that he has found, including shoes, blankets, and matchbox cars. So smart and innovative, don't you think? Well, imagine my surprise this morning when we were riding in the car and he posed the following question: "Mom, is Lia going to be a REAL baby?" Hmm. As much as I thought he understood, I am guessing that he may be in for a bit of a surprise when his treasured "baby" spot in our family is taken over by in fact, a real baby:)

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