Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lia Xiang Wan

I think that we have decided that Lia's official name will be Lia Xiang Wan. It is pronounced sort of like She- ang Wan. We aren't really sure what they call her at the SWI, but we think she is either called Xiang Wan or Wan Wan.

Our agency received our Letter of Intent to adopt her yesterday and it is already on its way to China. Our homestudy expired after one year, just a few weeks ago, so we have to get updated medical information, new fingerprints, and criminal background check. We also have another home visit scheduled for Friday. So hopefully this update wont push back our travel to China.

As of right now, our agency is quoting 3-5 months from LOI to travel. I suspect that we will go in around 4 months (end of May). I really hope that we will be there before her second birthday on June 6- but it could be well into June before we are able to leave. We just really want her home.

We sent out a care package on Saturday. In it were 2 disposible cameras, 2 adorable outfits, the blanket I made with the extra 100 wishes fabric, a small stuffed bear, a small album with our pictures labeled in Chinese, and a bag of candy for the nannies. I hope she gets it, but there are no guarantees. We were told that in her province it is not likely that they will use the camera and take any pictures, but I hope they do.


Heather said...

I so hope she is home by her birthday too! She is such a beauty and I love her name.

Anonymous said...

Hi Meghan-
Thanks for sharing your blog! We may be your travel buddies in Guangzhou (if we get Lid very soon, darn CBI!). Just wanted to tell you that my DD was in Guangdong province and we sent cameras and we did get them back with pics so you never know!! We are sending Benjamin's care package tomorrow.