Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Off to School

Today was the first day of school. Caelan is starting first grade. This will be the first time that she goes all day, last year we chose to send her to the half-day kindergarten. Garrett started a two- morning a week, three-year- old preschool. I feel like they were both ready, and neither showed any sign of nervousness as I walked out of the rooms. I guess I expected that:) I am sure that Caelan will do well, but I do worry about Garrett. Surprisingly, though, he was actually playing with other kids as I was getting ready to go.

Here is Caelan. She fell off her bike on Sunday night. Yes, right on to her lip. So she is puffy and scratched up. But pretty excited about her lunch box.

And little Bubba. He usually wakes up on the wrong side of the bed (an understatement). He is not a morning person. Today he was as cheerful as can be and was really excited about school.

Here they are together in front of Caelan's school. I also have a picture with Bob. Bob is the principal of Caelan's school, so at least I know that she is well looked after. In fact, I am pretty sure Caelan's teacher will tire of seeing Bob's face pacing the first grade hall.

Caelan at her desk.

Garrett playing (gasp) with other kids. He usually takes a while to warm up. Not today.

Well, with both of the kids at school, I will have two mornings a week to manage as I please. As the weather gets cooler, I do think that we will join the YMCA- I will work out. I also plan to volunteer in both of their classrooms. Of corse, we should have Lia by the end of the school year- but for today I am going to sip my coffee, use the computer, and RELAX!!!

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