Saturday, September 15, 2007

Play: Unplugged

I found a great new book. It is called Unplugged Play: No Batteries. No Plugs. Pure Fun. You can read about it here.

I do not like the kids to watch TV. When they do, it is limited to an hour or less and really only to preschool shows. Caelan might watch a movie on the weekends, but by the time she gets home from school, she plays with Garrett, we eat, take baths and read, it is time for bed. So she watches no TV during the week. I know that she is probably the only child in her first grade class who has never seen "Hannah Montana."

The TV drives me a bit batty. I can't really describe it, but if the TV is on, I get very irritated. Garrett is the same way. Bob tries to watch sports on the weekends and Garrett quite often, just turns the TV off. Now, don't get me wrong, I do like to watch a show or two once the kids are in bed. I haven't missed an episode of Grey's Anatomy, The Office, or Lost. We even recently got cable (really only because of the cheap package deal w/ the phone and high speed internet). We could certainly do without cable.

Well, I knew that this winter may pose some challenges for me in keeping Garrett busy and entertained, since we won't have Caelan around all day. I was skimming through my library and found the book. Many of the ideas are sort of common sense- but on those days when I feel a bit brain dead and run out of ideas, this book is full. I think that I will jot down some notes or even order myself a copy. Shucks, no I will not. Don't forget #10 on my "The New Washing Machine" post.

The book has a section for independent/ mommy play and for playing with friends. I do need to make a bigger effort getting Garrett together with friends. Last year, I had a new years resolution that I would have a friend over for Caelan to play with once a week. It worked great, I think I will do the same with Garrett.


Unknown said...

SOunds like an interesting book. Ill have to check it out

J said...

Me too! Thanks for the tip.

K said...

Good for you! I don't even own a TV but I do enjoy DVDs which I watch on my computer.