Monday, July 28, 2008

End of Summer, sort-of

Well, Bob's days of leisure are over. He officially goes back to work tomorrow after 5/6 weeks off. We spent most of the summer at the cottage. We are planning to go there next weekend, but I am not sure after that how often we will make it up there. We are going to my parent's cottage for an "Olympics" party on the weekend of the 8th, which I originally thought was going to be a typical Hannan party: boat ride, hot tub, some wine and a good dinner, but I think that they are planning "games"... Hmm.

Lia has quite a few appointments coming up as well. Nothing this week, as I am waiting for my babysitter to come back from Florida (Hi, Katerina- we miss you!!), and would prefer not carting around all three kids. Lia is going in for a vision screening, hearing screening, vaccines and will have her first visit from Early-On (other than the evaluation). Garrett also has his 4 year old well child check. Fun. His also will have vaccines involved.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Sounds like you'll be pretty busy... I know what you mean about carting around all the kiddos. I leave the boys with a friend most of the time... just to make it easier.