I feel like it has been forever since I posted. Things have been fine here, though I am so ready for winter to be over. We are all quite crabby. Thankfully, we have had a few days of decent weather and I have been able to get the kids out to play and ride bikes.
Lia is going to be further evaluated for additional speech services. I feel like she is still doing wonderfully picking up new vocabulary, but she is having a hard time combining words together. She very rarely puts two words together, so I am hoping that some additional speech will help. I talk to her constantly and repeatedly try to get her to repeat what I say, but my attempt to get her to say "more milk" always comes out as "milk" or "more" but never them both together.
I have to admit though, Lia has been having somewhat frequent and pretty extreme tantrums. I am trying to work through them and when she is really mad, I hold her and try to get her to settle down. I think part of the problem is that we just haven't been able to get outside much this winter. Everybody is stir crazy. Cold and snow is one thing, but it has been extremely cold. I also keep reminding myself that she is two. She has been hitting quite a bit and so far, I have not found an effective way to get her to stop.
Potty training is at a standstill. She was doing great- in fact at Christmas I thought she was totally potty trained- but she has definitely decided that she prefers diapers and at this point, I have given up. Once her mood improves, I will attempt it again, but right now I just feel like she has enough that she seems to be working on.
Oh, and to be quite honest, Garrett has also had a hard few months. He is a child who needs to be outdoors all of the time, and then he is simply an angel. But coop him up in a small house all winter and watch out. I have done my best, we go to the library at least one a week, go swimming once a week, play at the Mc Donalds playscape, children's museum, but it is just not enough. Bob thinks that we need to buy a farm...
I am going to do a more cheerful post with pictures from our Chinese New Year celebration in a few minutes so I don't leave you all with my venting.