Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Done with Appointments- YAHOO!!

Well, the eye exam and hearing exam went fine. Lia was cooperative and neither doctor noticed anything unusual. She had three vaccines last week, and while she wasn't too happy about them, she is pretty tough and tolerated everything.

Our "Little" Garrett also had his four year check up. He is a pretty small guy and due to his activity level he didn't grow much from 1-3 years old (moving constantly, never sleeping)- but this year he gained 6 pounds and 3 inches. He is now 36 pounds and 41 inches. Wow! We were starting to wonder about him:)

The only lingering Lia issue is something that was stated in her medical reports- that she has "Malabsorption." Even the doctor who reviewed her charts said that it could mean a number of things. She was diagnosed with H pylori right when we brought her home, but even after treatment she still seems to be having issues (you don't need the details!). She has actually gained three pounds since we were in China, but if the issues continue our pediatrician may check with a U of M gastroenterologist to see if we should check for other things, maybe gluten allergies(?) I am not sure. But, she is really doing great!


Nicole said...

Sooooo very glad that everything is going well. Yay, Lia!!!! Katelyn has her SB Clinic appointment on Friday... she'll be seeing 5 specialists that day... should be fun!!!

Glad your "little guy" is doing well too... I think he and Jacob are about the same size.


Carrie said...

I hope you can get it all worked out! I know everytime we go to the doctor with Miss M I don't know what new thing they will add to her growing Medical issues!It really is not fun-but I am so glad she is with us!